Nncrisis convulsivas neonatales pdf 2011

Jan 18, 2016 introduction neonatal convulsion are common life threatening emergency in the newborn due to cerebral or biochemic abnormality. Sonia hermoza del pozo universidad ricardo palma slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Datos muy variables incidencia nv en 1500 2500 g. Common cause of neonatal convulsion are hypoxic ischemic encephelopathy hie, hypocalcemia, hypoglycemia, septicemia with meningitis and. Descargue como pdf, txt o lea en linea desde scribd. No tienen convulsiones bien definidas presentan patrones poco. Enfocados a sindromes epilepticos neonatales benignos.

Preterm and lbw babies are more prone to this problem. Neurologa infantil, servicio neuropsiquiatria, hospital clinico san borja arriaran. Convulsiones neonatales cinthya karina gutierrez ugaz 2. The treat ment of superrefractory status epilepticus. Crisis convulsivas neonatales epilepsia desordenes. Objetivos rubeola toxoplasmosis cmv varicela sifilis vih, vhb precoz tardia nosocomial torch sepsis neonatal. Common cause of neonatal convulsion are hypoxic ischemic encephelopathy hie, hypocalcemia, hypoglycemia, septicemia with meningitis and polycethemia. Crisis convulsivas neonatales epilepsia especialidades. Enfocados a metabolopatias, trastornos electroliticos o sd. Revision del estado epileptico convulsivo pediatrico y su. Crisis convulsivas neonatales by carito monsalvo on prezi. Introduction neonatal convulsion are common life threatening emergency in the newborn due to cerebral or biochemic abnormality. Las crisis generalizadas pueden ser convulsivas y no convulsivas.